Specialist expertise

GSB Private Office

Comprehensive and exemplary services for HNW and UHNW families.

Working alongside GSB Private Banking, GSB Private Office provides access to an array of international custodian banks, managing the investment and financial needs of HNW and UHNW families.

We work with individuals, institutions and family offices to create detailed solutions to their private banking and wealth planning needs. Delivering consistent, high-level service and further utilising our expertise with the addition of bespoke equity ideas, structured products and a range of alternative investments.

As a GSB Private client, you can access specific deal flow (from pre-IPO to IPO) from our network of investment banks (ECM/DCM) and direct/co-investment private equity. Our strategic partnership with Klint Ventures in Sweden provides you with unique investment opportunities in the venture capital (VC) space and early access to high-potential companies.

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